A Thomas Martin Adventure.
The espionage action thriller begins with a Hong Kong shipping magnate hiring Thomas Martin, a renowned problem-solving security consultant to solve his very extensive problem with Somali Pirates. The plan appears to be simple, Kill the Grackles. The consultant’s team ultimately learns that this adventure means so much more. Thomas Martin has a long history of orchestrating missions, and this time he’s orchestrating everyone across land and sea including his team, the client, and his “Uncle” to achieve what really matters. The story of how an operator tries to solve a very real pirate problem and so much more.
Will such a bold plan work?
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About the Author
Edmund Calvin has a lifetime of real world problem solving experience and creative solutions which make this work of fiction a very original read. With investigation and security consulting businesses in Texas & Connecticut that have lead to thousands of real stories written for the clients, now they’re brought to life in Kill the Grackles, the first in the Thomas Martin series.
Edmund grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, started pilot lessons at thirteen, attended Penn State, has traveled including being behind the wall in East Berlin, and patented the Cordlet. He has spent his entire career immersed in investigative work. Enjoying life in Texas, with more stories to come.
Contact the Author
Edmund Calvin
Contact the Publisher
Golden Publishing

Kill the Grackles
The first in the Thomas Martin series involving his solution to a Somali Warlord. An operation that ends up being so much more.
Released Date: January 7, 2021
No Stopping Ghosts
Stop a Chinese Billionaire manipulator of a pandemic, kill a rogue world leader, and be blameless for the wrath that follows. They called Thomas Martin for the solution.
Release Date: November 2022
Yet to be Titled
Kill The Grackles!!!
After stopping a rogue Chinese Billionaire, Thomas Martin and his team must collect on the debt. But this time, it’s not an all-out war, but stealth and silence through the countries of Europe. Well, that’s the plan.
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Novelist James Paddock on Kill The Grackles:
“If you like a lot of action and suspense, this is the book. Talk about intense! Edmund Calvin never lets the reader take a breath. Wow!”

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Published by Golden Publishing. Copyright 2021.